Clinics We Offer


Diabetic Clinic

Sister Catherine Pearson and Sister Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) are responsible for seeing all our Diabetic patients.  You will be notified by letter when your annual bloods and face to face review is due. This group of patients should receive an annual Flu vaccine.

a necklace hanging on a wall

Asthma & COPD Clinic

Sister Catherine Pearson and Sister Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) and Pharmacist Caroline Craven are responsible for looking after our asthmatic and COPD patients.  You will be notified via your repeat prescription or by letter when your annual review is due. This group of patients should receive an annual Flu vaccine

a hand holding a cell phone

Hypertensive Clinic

Every 12 months you should have your blood pressure measured and every 12 months you should attend for annual routine non fasting blood tests – please make an appointment in our Bloods and Blood Pressure Clinic. 

Heart Disease Clinic

Sister Catherine Pearson and Sister Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) and Miss Sarah Belton are responsible for looking after our patients with Heart Disease.  You will be notified via your repeat prescription or by letter when your annual review is due. 


Ante-Natal Clinic

Service not currently being held at Park lane Surgery due to COVID-19


Contraceptive Services

Sister Catherine Pearson and Sister Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) are responsible for Contraceptive Services. Please refer to your GP before using contraceptive services for the first time.


Epilepsy Clinic

Sister Catherine Pearson and Sister Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) are responsible for looking after our patients with Epilepsy.  You will be notified via your repeat prescription or by letter when your annual review is due. 


INR Monitoring

Sister Catherine Pearson and SIster Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) both run this clinic and will book their own appointments. The clinic is held every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. If you need an unscheduled appointment then please contact the surgery and a receptionist will be able to discuss this with you

a baby lying on a bed

Baby Clinic

These are held every Monday afternoon and are by appointment only.

All children are checked regularly during their first five years of life. This will be done by the Health Visitor.  You will either be contacted by the health visitor or sent an appointment to attend at the surgery. 


Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinic

Catherine Pearson and Sister Jessica Lagier (Practice Nurses) are responsible for looking after our Rheumatiod Arthritis patients.  You will be notified via your repeat prescription or by letter when your annual review is due. 

mental health

Mental Health

Primary Care Mental Health Services and Active Monitoring (MIND) Clinic – Mental Health appointments are currently not being held at the Surgery. Patients will be reviewed over the phone or contacted by the Mental Health team and asked to attend their department in Pontypridd.